Team Chalo


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Every journey is accompanied by anticipation and a touch of anxiety. When tech intervenes to make this easier, then we know we have an app thats human. Chalo, ride with us 🙂

Team Chalo:
Co-Founder: Priya Singh
Founder and CEO: Mohit Dubey
Co-Founder and CMO: Dhruv Chopra
Co-Founder and CTO: Vinayak Bhavnani
Head of Marketing: Krishnamurthy Kartick
AVP, Marketing: Aparna Anand
Team Gravity:
Account Manager: Shreya Gupta
Group Head Design: Aabhaas Worah
Creative Lead: Nirmesh Narware
Script Writers: Prashanth Challapalli & Pallavi Priyamvada
Business Head: Aastha Mantri
Finance Head: Renuka Asnani
Accountant: Deepali Gharat
Founder & CEO: Prashanth Challapalli
Team Running Cow:
Director: Niyantha Shekar
Producer: Anushka Rovshen
DOP: Saumit Deshpande
Production Designer: Haris Umar Khan
Chief AD: Justin Jessy Jose
DA: Deepti Chadha
2nd AD: Sonali Gidh
EP: Yajuvendra Singh Chouhaan
Location Manager: Rohit
Production Manager: Mukesh Mishra
Casting: Ankita Bajaj Casting
Stylist: Sakshi Chopra
Hair and Make Up: Jivan Singh
First AC: Jai Wadkar
Storyboard Artist: Santosh
Editor: Rajdeep Mitra
Associate Editor: Antik Adhikari
Music: Yash Thakkar (The Jamroom)
Sound Design & Mix: Carl Nazareth
Online Artist: Rishabh Malhotra
Colorist: Sujith Vijayan (Picture Post Studio)
Key Cast: Vandana Marathe, Rohit Mehta, Vijay

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