Social Media Content

Social Media Content

Often times it doesn’t take just one film to tell a story, it takes a few. Our Social media content are perfect for that kind of brand communication. 3 films for the price of 1. Sounds like a deal ? It is. Often when we break up the communication in parts, it becomes clearer to an audience. It’s one of those instances where more is better, specially when you’re getting it for less. So go ahead dabble in a little bite size communication cause that’s where it is nowadays.

Skill Share

Skill Share Originals

Director – Wesley Joseph


Ezy Cre8 Series

Produced by Supari Studios
Directed by Anushka Shivdasani Rovshen


Bridge the Gap series

Directed by Wesley Joseph


Conquer your kitchen series

Director – Wesley Joseph

The Acres Club

Make the most of summer series

Director – Anushka Shivdasani Rovshen

Seven Rivers International School

Know your school series

Director – Naina Panemangalor

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