
About Us

Running Cow Films was born in 2011 to bridge the gap between a wide range of film styles – from television commercials and documentary, to short fiction and animation. By finding new and unusual spaces between these worlds, we create advertising and content that is fresh, memorable, likeable and most importantly, communicates a sense of authenticity. We believe this is the best way to connect with a new ‘post-advertising’ generation, who respond to brands that find genuine and original ways to connect with consumers.

We’ve had a few firsts along the way – India’s first flash mob video shot at CST, documentaries on courageous women entrepreneurs from rural India, and the creation of a new visual vocabulary for India’s largest corporates.

Today our clients span the range from mega-companies like L & T, Tata Tea, Hewlett Packard, Reliance and GE, to new-age success stories like RAW Pressery, Funky Monkeys Play Centre, Iconic Developers, Sri Lanka, Oziva and Koparo.

Let’s discuss how we can bring some freshness to your brand.

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