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Sometimes it takes just one person to change your life. “Eight” took Gul Panang down memory lane as we tried to capture what was in her mind’s eye without actually visiting any of the spaces where her life was made. What resulted was an art director’s and cinematographer’s dream film.

Creative: Amanda Mooney
Agency: Edelman India
Director: Anushka Shivdasani Rovshen
Executive Producer: Trupti Kataria
Line Producer: Yajuvendra Singh Chouhan
AD: Tara Bhatnagar
DOP: Ravi Kiran Ayyagari & Maulshri Singh
Art: Sehar Kidwai & Lauren Pereira
Editor: Navnita Sen
Music: The Jamroom
Sound Design: Jarvis Marcedo @ Shankh
Online: Hiren @ After

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