HP Printers

Christmas with Maria

HP Printers – Christmas with Maria

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Maria Goretti’s passion for cooking and family is told through her own experiences and anecdotes in this film, scripted and shot by Running Cow. A slice of real life, dressed in Christmas style, ably helped by HP’s printers. It went out to Maria’s considerable social media following with over 2350000 views.

Client: HP Printers

Agency: Edelman
Creative: Sumedha Mirani
Script & Direction: Anushka Shivdasani Rovshen
DOP: Maulshri Singh
Production Manager: Yajouvendra Chouhan
Edit: Navnita Sen
Colour & Online: Hiren Sanischara @ After Studio
Sound Mix: Jarvis Marcedo @ Shankh Studio
Music: Premium Beat

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