Raw Pressery

The Cleanse

Raw Pressery – The Cleanse

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7 juices and nothing else! We were all tempted to do the cleanse after watching Bruna gulp them down. Our first experience with live action-stop block with a character – we mastered the art of shouting “freeze” and running to replace juice after juice.

Client: Raw Pressery

Some of our best films have been made by RCF. The best part of working with them is that not only are they technically skilled and detail-oriented, but they also understand the brand’s personality and visual grammar. We look forward to working with them again!

Anuj Rakyan
Founder, MD of Raw Pressery

DOP: Maulshri Singh
Cast: Bruna Abdullah
Line Producer: Trupti Kataria
AD: Tara Bhatnagar
Sound design: Jarvis Marcedo, Shankh Studio

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