Mumbai Indians

Akha Mumbai Khelenga

Mumbai Indians – Akha Mumbai Khelenga

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Flash mobs became the rage post our very first one at CST and we were lucky enough to have Sumeet Nagdev’s troupe choreograph this one for the iconic Mumbai Indian team. Our secret fantasy – that the cricketers had danced with us too!

Client: Mumbai Indians

Director: Anushka Shivdasani Rovshen
Chief AD: Hardik Patel
Choreographer: Sumeet Nagdev
2nd AD: Tarun Dudeja
Chief DOPs: Maulshri Singh, Raktim Mondal
Additional Camera: Raju Bishwas, Harshawardhan, Yuvraj Dhir
Production: Nipun Amlani
Editor: Navnita Sen
Studio: Pixion
Costumes: Anshu Aurora
Art: Dinanath
Support: Trupti Kataria, Madhuri Mohindar>
Agency: Mccann Erikson, Mumbai>
Creative: Abhinav Tripathi, Denzil Machado>
Films: Vrushali

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