
Manndeshi's Women

Manndeshi’s Women

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A radio jockey, a goat doctor, an entrepreneur, a state level athlete and the board member of a bank come together to tell us stories of how they re-invented their lives with the help of India’s first rural bank by women and for women. Shooting in the drought prone area of Mhaswad with these tremendous women was a lesson in humility for us.

Client: Manndeshi

Director: Anushka Shivdasani Rovshen
Chief AD: Wesley Joseph
Production: Yajuvendra Chouhan
DOP: Maulshri Singh
Drone: Hardik Patel
Editor: Navnita Sen
Online: Rishab Malhotra
Music: The Jamroom (Nariman Khambat & Rahul Pais)
Live instrumentation: Tapas Roy
Sound Design: Jarvis Marcedo
Sound Studio: Shankh

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