Eli Lily

Connecting Hearts

Eli Lily – Connecting Hearts

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Diabetes, a silent disease that effects a majority of the world’s population was what brought these employees from Eli Lily to India, a journey that changed their outlook in many ways on the illness and life itself. The film called Connecting Hearts actually did connect many in those few days.

Client: Eli Lily

It’s easy to find a production house in a city of so many. What’s far more rare is to find a partner that handles every brief, regardless of budget, scale or challenge, with heartfelt creative and the hard, diligent work of craft. I’ve loved every chance I’ve had to work with the Running Cow team.”

Amanda Mooney
Associate Creative Director, Edelman

DOP: Maulshri Singh
Line Producer: Yajuwinder Singh
Co Director: Hardik Patel
Music: Nariman Khambatta
Edit: Kashyap Dodeja

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